
LIFEBOAT 11 Ministries


Lifeboat 11 Ministries 

Speaking Truth with Grace 

Welcome to Lifeboat 11. This organization exists to provide life altering truth, with respect and grace. That said, it cannot be avoided that truth sometimes makes people very uncomfortable, something like that feeling you get when you are pulled over for going 85mph and you know you were going at least that fast. The goal is to speak truth in love. Sometimes though you have to admit that love doesn’t “feel” loving, think about when your parents stopped you from doing something that sure sounded like a lot of fun but had at least a 95% probability of injury to you (but most likely to your younger sibling), while there’s not a lot of doubt that this is really “love” I’m guessing it didn’t leave you feeling emotionally satisfied (thanks Andy Stanley).




Contact Details

Lifeboat 11 Ministries
Sun City Center, Florida
Email: lifeboat11min@gmail.com


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If you have any comments or questions about LB11, please use the contact form below.

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    Your Message


    What's the Storey?

    So a little about the founder of LB#11. Kevin Storey was born and raised in a small town in Mid-Michigan.  Kevin came to know Jesus during a service at his local church hosted by college students (including his brother) from Anderson University.  He was baptized shortly after that.  He has degrees from Central Michigan University (B.S.), University of Detroit Mercy (J.D.) and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, MA CT.  Kevin has worked as contract negotiator, an attorney and has served as volunteer pastor after his ordination in April of 2016.  Rumor has it that he also knows a thing or two about running a  laminator machine.  


    Beginning of the return

    After allowing himself to be lured away as a teen, in college he met a women who was pivotal in his growth as a follower of Jesus.  This woman repeatedly challenged him with a simple question (more on that later) that began the process of re-opening his eyes.  It was this encounter that changed the tide his life and put Kevin on the path that led here.  


    Challenged in his garage

    After serving in various roles in a few churches (Deacon, Elder, Teacher, Small Group Leader) Kevin was working out in his garage listening to Christian talk radio.  Chip Ingram's daily message was on.  During this particular talk Chip asked if you were content with living an average Christian life or did you want to live an extraordinary Christian life?  At this point Kevin felt a prompting, a challenge if you will.  He felt that he was being accused of coasting, not giving Jesus everything that he had.  Shortly after that Gordon-Conwell opened a campus in his town, wouldn't it be crazy to go to seminary at this point in his life?  His wife lent her support, though silently wondering if Kevin had lost what was left of his mind.  


    Just how exactly did he become " Laminator Man" anyway? And what is the point of this website?

    So that's a funny story, one that will no doubt be shared on this page one day.  This site is first and foremost dedicated to the hardworking professionals at Reddick Elementary who I have the privilege of spending time with and supporting in any way I can.

    The site exists to answer questions that anyone may have about the existence of a First Cause and more specifically what life looks like as a follower of Jesus.  The perspective is non-denominational but is distinctly Christian.  And while this site exists to put forth a Christian Apologetic it certainly is Not Sorry.  That said, the goal is to treat all questioners with gentleness and respect, answers are provided but debate is not the point of LB#11, reasoned, respectful discussion is. Any decisions are yours to make.

    Cruise Director?

    So if there's one thing that's absolute is that followers of Jesus are NOT guaranteed a trouble free cruise through this life.  Why use a cruise ship as a motif then?  Because cruise ships are massive and offer many opportunities for life enhancing activities.  So there's plenty of room for you on the boat and there's definitely lots of opportunity to live a fulfilling life.